The French exclamation commonly used to express happiness or satisfaction is “Voilà,” which translates to “There it is” or “There you g
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Languages and Cultures
What is Je ne sais qua?
Asked by Wiki User
“Je ne sais quoi” é uma expressão francesa que significa literalmente “eu não sei o quê”. É usada para descrever uma qualidade ou caracterís
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School Subjects
How do you spell the numbers 1 to 300 in French?
Asked by Wiki User
un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix (1-10) onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt (11-20) vingt-et-un vingt deux
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How do you write a paragraph about my school in french?
Asked by Wiki User
I’d start by writing in French, not trying to write in English and translate.Start by saying what school you go to. Then tell where the school is. Then talk abo
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English to French
What is the french response to bon voyage mon amie?
Asked by Wiki User
The French response to “bon voyage mon amie” would typically be “bon voyage aussi” or “bon voyage à toi aussi,” which translates t
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English to French
What is masculine of dame?
Asked by Wiki User
The masculine form of “dame” is “sir.” In French, “dame” is a term used to refer to a woman, while “sir” is used to refe
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English to French
What does the french word matre’d mean?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, “maitre d'” is just a fancy French term for the person in charge at a restaurant who greets you and seats you. It’s like the VIP of the dini
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Word and Phrase Origins
If a French man tells you to keep your ‘sang-froid cold blood’ what does he mean?
Asked by Wiki User
When a French man tells you to keep your “sang-froid,” he is advising you to stay calm and composed in a difficult or stressful situation. The term &q
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English to French
Is there a French equivalent of the OED?
Asked by Fhfabend
Well, honey, the French equivalent of the OED is the Dictionnaire de la langue française, also known as the Littré. It’s like the French version of the Oxford E
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English to French
What is the Cajun French translation for I don’t know?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, isn’t that a lovely question. In Cajun French, “I don’t know” is translated as “Mwen pa konnen.” Just like painting a happy little tree,
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English to French
What is fiftieth wedding anniversary in French?
Asked by Wiki User
Joyeux cinquantième anniversaire
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